Church-Family Este Camino (This Way)
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New Zealand



Theotherapy for a healthy life.

Vitamin T

Every day we all face different challenges for which we must be prepared, learning to make the best of all circumstances. All with the aim of turning circumstances and difficulties into opportunities to grow, learn and mature.

Theotherapy for a healthy life.

Vitamin T

Every day we all face different challenges for which we must be prepared, learning to make the best of all circumstances. All with the aim of turning circumstances and difficulties into opportunities to grow, learn and mature.

Theotherapy for a healthy life.

Vitamin T

Every day we all face different challenges for which we must be prepared, learning to make the best of all circumstances. All with the aim of turning circumstances and difficulties into opportunities to grow, learn and mature.

2022 Visión


El Espíritu Santo es nuestro pastor, maestro, ayudador, el que nos lleva a conocer al Padre y nos hace entender Su voluntad, el que nos da la fuerza para seguir el ejemplo marcado por Jesús, dándole sentido a Su sacrificio de amor por nosotros y es con Su ayuda que logramos asumir y vivir nuestra condición de hijos de Dios.

Queremos desafiarnos a vivir una vida entregada en obediencia al 100 % a Dios, viviendo el liderazgo del Espíritu Santo en nosotros 24/7. Queremos vivir una vida marca Dios, eterna y abundante, donde Su sello sea nuestra señal de identidad y lo sobrenatural se vuelva lo normal en nuestra familia-iglesia Este Camino.

Este Camino 24/7 praising our God

Just as our body feeds, it is necessary to feed our spirit and our soul. For this reason, through our online radio station, “Mixlr Este Camino” we offer you a continuous program of Christian praise and worship music, both in Spanish and English, as well as spiritual growth topics, with which you can stay in tune with our good God, in addition to learning, maturing and growing in Him.

Our Ministries

Your Donations

Your support and contributions will enable us to keep spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. Your generous donation will open the windows of heaven for you.

Our School

Este Camino Bible Institute

Our family-church This Way promotes in each one of its members, the study of the Scriptures, the communion in two directions with the Holy Spirit, and the praise and adoration of God as a way of life.